Title: One day in Auschwitz
Runtime: 45'
Genre: Documentary
Direction: Steve Purcell
Script: -
Year of production: 2015
Status: Released
Countries: USA, Poland
Production: Steven Spielberg USC Shoah Foundation
Aspect ratio: 1.77:1
Cast: Michael Berenbaum, Walter Feiden, Kelsey Grammer,
Kitty Hart-Moxon, Lydia Hollingsworth, Nathalia Smith, Stephen D. Smith
Synopsis: The film follows
Holocaust survivor Kitty Hart-Moxon as she returns to Auschwitz-Birkenau with
two high school students, Natalia Smith and Lydia Hollingsworth, to tell them
her story. The girls are the same age Kitty was - 15 - when she was imprisoned
in Auschwitz with her mother. When the Nazis invaded Poland, Kitty's family was
quickly split up. Her older brother joined the Russian army and was killed in
the Battle of Stalingrad. A priest who was a friend of her mother's got false
papers for Kitty and her mother to get them out of Poland and into Germany, but
someone suspected them of being Jews and gave them up to the police. The two
were shipped to Auschwitz. In the film, Kitty explains the various ways she and
her mother were able to survive. Kitty got herself a job manning the latrines -
foul work, but it kept her from being selected for death.
Our services: Filming in Poland