Title: The Miracle Seller
Runtime: 107'
Genre: Drama
Direction: Boleslaw Pawica, Jaroslaw Szoda
Script: Mitko Panov based on the works of
Grzegorz Łoszewski
Year of production: 2009
Status: Released
Countries: Poland, Sweden
Production: Fabryka Spółka Realizatorów Filmowych Sp.
z o.o.
Aspect ratio: 1.85:1, 2.35:1
Cast: Borys Szyc, Sonia Mietielica, Roman
Gonczuk, Joanna Szczepkowska, Piotr Borowski, Mariusz Benoit, Franciszek
Synopsis: The path to discovering oneself leads
through others. A story of friendship and acceptance that transgresses
cultural, social and religious barriers. Stefan, a recovering alcoholic and a
pilgrim to Lourdes, helps a pair of children from a Caucasian country to get
illegally into France in order to be reunited with their father.
Our services: Filming in Paris